According to reports Apple major AI news at WWDC involves a partnership with OpenAI

According to reports Apple major AI news at WWDC involves a partnership with OpenAI Date: 06/06/2024

In what could be a pivotal moment for the tech industry, rumours are swirling regarding a ground-breaking partnership between Apple and OpenAI. Reports from Bloomberg and other sources indicate that Apple is poised to announce an alliance with OpenAI at its annual developer conference, WWDC, slated for Monday.

Apple CEO Tim Cook had previously hinted at significant AI plans during a February earnings call, teasing a "huge opportunity" for the company. Now, it seems those plans may come to fruition with the integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT into Apple's upcoming operating system, iOS 18.

Neither Apple nor OpenAI have confirmed the reports, with Apple declining to comment and OpenAI remaining tight-lipped. However, Bloomberg, citing sources familiar with the matter, was the first to reveal that negotiations between the two tech giants had been underway, culminating in an agreement finalized in May.

In addition to the collaboration with OpenAI, Bloomberg suggests that Apple is also exploring potential partnerships with Google for licensing its Gemini chatbot. If successful, this move could pave the way for a diverse range of third-party chatbots on Apple devices.

The integration of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools into iOS 18 marks a significant departure for Apple, known for its pioneering AI assistant, Siri, introduced over a decade ago. With the rise of competitors like Amazon's Alexa and OpenAI's ChatGPT, Apple's move signals a potential comeback for Siri and the company as a whole.

With over 2.2 billion active devices worldwide, Apple commands a massive audience and has a vested interest in retaining users within its ecosystem. Despite previous speculations about Apple's development of its own AI chatbot, Apple GPT, and language model, Ajax, the company has remained tight-lipped about its AI endeavours.

CEO Tim Cook emphasized Apple's cautious approach to generative AI during the February call, indicating a preference for action over premature announcements. However, with the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology, Apple's hesitancy to fully embrace generative AI may have put the company at a disadvantage in the competitive tech market.

As anticipation mounts for WWDC 2024, all eyes are on Apple as it potentially unveils its next steps in the realm of artificial intelligence, promising new possibilities for the future of its products and services.


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